(1) Drawing Color/Back Color Window
It shows the color you have chosen.
Left: A drawing color (you can change the color by clicking on the palette)
Right: A back color (You can change it from a menu bar "Chart" - "Sheet Color"
(2) The number of colors / stitches
It shows the number of colors and stitches in the chart.
To refresh the number, click on "!" button.
(3) Palette / Selected Color Tab
To switch between a palette window and a selected color window, use this tab.
(4) Search by color number
Enter the color number you want to search, and hit an enter key.
If found, the color will be selected.
(5) A palette window
This is the palette you have chosen in a new chart dialog box.
Left Click: Chose the color as a drawing color
Left double click: Register the color into a selected color window
Right dragging: drag the palette window
About the palette
KG-Chart has two color palettes:
B. Danish Flower Thread
These palette are created by the author based on their color chart, and no guarantee to be the exact color of those.